Games night and family lunch

Friday was the fortnightly online games night with my friends. I was a bit late to it because my wife went into the city after work to do some Christmas shopping, and then headed back on the Metro to Crows Nest, where I met her with Scully.

We went to a nearby wine bar for dinner, a place called Knird which we’d wanted to try for some time since they opened a little while back. We managed to get a table out on the alley where it’s located so we could sit with Scully. We had some glasses of wine and ordered a few of the small bites and sharing plates form the menu. The food was all really good and the wines nice. It was a little expensive, but a very pleasant dinner and way to end off the working week.

We made it home a little after 8pm and I joined in the online gaming. We just played some of the old regulars: Just One, Jump Drive, 6 Nimmt.

Saturday morning I got up a bit earlier than usual. After breakfast I went for my 5k run, so I could get back home and have a shower before driving up the coast to my mother’s place. We met her and my brother for lunch at a local pizza place. We had a good lunch and caught up with things. I don’t see my family very much so it was good to have this lunch together.

As we left, my wife said she felt like stopping somewhere along the way home for coffee. I used my phone to search for cafes in the area, but almost every single one was closed. Most closed at 3m on a Saturday. This is one of the super weird things about Australia, compared to most other countries. Nearly all the cafes here close mid-afternoon – it’s virtually impossible to find one open after 3pm.

I did manage to find one, and it had a good star rating, but it was 20 minutes drive away, so we took a scenic route back to the freeway, stopping off there for the coffee. When we got there, it turned out to be more like a general store in a tiny backwater, but they had a coffee machine and my wife got her coffee. After that it was another 20 minutes back to the freeway to drive home again.

We got in around 5pm. I made quiche for dinner, after which we walked Scully in the cool evening air. Today was pretty warm, around 30°C. And when we got home we gave Scully a bath.

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New board games and a phantom pet

Friday night was board games night, hosted at a friend’s place. During the day I did my usual ethics classes. This current topic of Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities is really good, and I think the kids are enjoying it a lot more than they expect when they hear the topic title!

I had to do a bit of tidying up some issues with university assessment marking, after consulting with the professor about them yesterday. And I picked up the grocery shopping in the morning, and at lunch took Scully for a walk to the fish & chip shop, where I had a chicken burger for lunch.

After the evening ethics classes, I took Scully over to my friend’s place for games night, since my wife had a dinner out with her friends. We had six people and split up into two groups of three. The others played Thunderstone Advance: Towers of Ruin, while my group of three played Concordia, an old game from 2013 that I haven’t tried before. It’s a game of the Roman Empire, with each player in charge of a family aiming to settle and build towns across the Mediterranean. You have a hand of cards and each turn play a card to choose an action, such as moving colonists and building towns, gaining money and/or resources, or buying extra cards to add to your hand. The extra cards both give you more options and also the cards are used to score points at the end of the game, so there’s a lot of inter-relationship between the different things you can do. It was fun, and I ended up coming second of three, behind the guy who had played before and explained the rules, so I was happy with that.

Next all six of us played a game of The Gang. This is a new game and is, weirdly, a fully cooperative version of Texas Hold’Em poker. Everyone has a poker hand built up using Texas Hold’Em rules, and at each “betting ” phase you instead take a numbered chip (from 1 to the number of players) based on your estimation of how good your hand is. If you think your hand is likely the worst, you grab the 1, if you think it’s the best, you grab the 6 in this case (with 6 players). People might disagree – if someone else takes the 1 chip but you think your hand is probably even worse, you can take the chip off them. You’re not allowed to talk about your hands, you just take the chips. If you get your chip taken off you, you can take it back, or you can settle for a different chip. In this way, people sort of jostle and evaluate how confident the other players are, and may settle for different chips than they initially thought. This phase only ends when everyone is happy (more or less) with the chip they have.

Then you reveal some cards (Texas Hold’Em style), and have another phase of chip grabbing. The chips for the first round stay there, there are new sets of chips each betting phase. The fourth of these phases is the final one. At the end of this, everyone has their final chip – the older chips are disregarded at this stage and only serve to remind people during the grabbing phases what people thought their hands were like at the time. Once the final chips are settled, everyone reveals their hands. If they rank in exactly the same order as the final chips, the players win the round. If there’s any mistake, the players lose. The goal of the game is to cooperate and win three rounds before you lose three rounds.

It took a bit of getting used to, and we lost three rounds in a row, but I think by that time we had a better grasp of how to play and judge each other’s chip grabbing. I would have been good to try a second game, but the others wanted to move on to something else.

We then played Platypus, a cooperative party game where you need to give clues using a hand of cards to let the other players identify a mystery thing from a set of eight. That was kind of fun, a bit like a Codenames-light. That ended the evening.

This morning I had to go get a blood sample taken for some testing. I thought I had to fast overnight, so went first thing when the pathology place opened at 08:30. And then the woman who took the sample said my doctor had ordered a basic test that didn’t require fasting!

I was home by 9 o’clock and had my delayed breakfast, then went for a run. I decided to push myself and do 7.5k instead of my normal 5k. I took it fairly easy and found the distance fine without getting too worn out. It wasn’t as fast as the previous times I’ve extended to 7.5k, but that was okay.

After having a shower and cleaning the bathroom and shower stall, I settled into making some comics. I also spent some time cleaning and polishing our dining chairs. We just had them reupholstered because the seat padding was getting flat and hard, and a couple of them had the seats falling off the frames due to loose screws that couldn’t be tightened due to stripping the plywood screwholes. So we decided instead of discarding them and buying new chairs, we’d get them reupholstered with new fabric and stuffing. I found a place not far from us, and they picked the chairs up on Tuesday, and were done and ready to bring them back by Friday! I’d hoped that they’d clean off the wooden frames, which were a bit dusty, but they came back with the same dust still on them! So I cleaned them up carefully and rubbed some furniture polish into them.

For dinner tonight my wife and I went up to Organica, an Italian/Greek kind of restaurant near us (which I’ve probably mentioned before). Tonight I tried the lamb shank, in red wine and tomato sauce, with mashed potato. It was really good, the meat tender and falling off the bone.

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Games and marking

Friday was online games night. My wife and I went out to the local pizza place for dinner and I joined in games with my friends when we got home. We played El Grande and then Just One. People were in and out a bit doing things so we had a few interruptions.

The other main thing I’ve been doing both yesterday and today is continuing to mark university image processing assignments. I powered through the remainder of the undergrad ones today, both the written reports and the presentation videos. Now I only have three postgrad teams left to mark, but these will take longer because they have to submit individual video reviews of papers, rather than a single team video presenting their work. So I have seventeen 20-minute videos to go, having marked just four so far. So it’ll probably take me well into next week.

I did a 5k run today, barely scraping the distance under 27 minutes, which is a good time for me. Especially given it was 22.4°C and 75% humidity.

We had fajitas for dinner. I planned to do this to use up some halloumi which we’ve had in the fridge for a while. But when it came to chopping up the vegetables and cooking them up, I completely forgot about the halloumi!

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Anniversary dinner and Arcs

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary, so my wife and I had a special dinner out at one of our favourite (albeit expensive) places, The Bathers’ Pavilion at Balmoral Beach. Firstly, the view from the dinning room is wonderful.

Dinner view

We were there before sunset and so got to watch the beach and water as night fell. We started with some potato scallops, battered, sprinkled with wakame and topped with a vinegar mayo.

Potato scallops

My appetiser was kingfish with rhubarb and pink peppercorns.


My wife had a vegetarian appetiser of wood ear mushrooms with witlof, blackberries, and black garlic. I tried a small bite and this was truly delicious.

Mushroom and blackberry

My main was duck cooked two ways, a sliced breast fillet and duck sausages.

Duck two ways

My wife had roasted cauliflower and kale, with…. I’m not sure what the orange bits or the sauce are.

Cauliflower and kale

For dessert we shared this chocolate, passionfruit, and caramel construction.

Chocolate dessert

It was an indulgent and delicious dinner. We drove home and picked up Scully from our neighbours who had minded her while we were out.

Today I did a 5k run in the morning, followed by housecleaning: vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom and shower, emptying (water) and refilling (crystals) the damp absorbers.

Then after lunch we went out to a fabric showroom to choose new fabric for the upholstery on our dining chairs. These chairs are 25 years old and the seats are getting worn and the foam padding is squashed and flat, so we decided to get them reupholstered. I got a quote from a company during the week, and they said we should go to this showroom to choose a fabric, and let them know what it is so they can order it wholesale for us.

The showroom was in Glebe, so after picking a fabric we walked over to Glebe Point Road to get coffee (for my wife) and snacks from a cafe. Then we headed back home.

This afternoon we tried a 2-player game of Arcs. It’s only the second time I’ve payed, after the 4-player one we did at games night a few weeks ago, and I was teaching my wife to play. So it was fairly instructional and strategy-free. (My wife won, but it was only a learning game!)

Arcs 2 player

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Online games and a sore back

On Friday I had a bunch of ethics classes about the Witch Hunt topic. I’m also asking the kids about their Halloween plans and the differences are interesting. Most of the kids not in the US/Canada don’t really have any big plans. Most of the ones there do, but not all – there were a couple of immigrants who don’t do anything, and one kid said he didn’t do anything for Halloween because it was his mother’s birthday.

I joined in online board games early in the evening because my wife and I decided not to go out for dinner. I just made some pasta at home, which gave me ore time to play games with friends. We played some Jump Drive, and one guy won all three games handily, which was okay as he doesn’t normally win that game, so he was pretty chuffed.

Then inspired by the upcoming US election, we tried Mapmaker: The Gerrymandering Game as a bit of fun. It’s actually an interesting abstract strategy game and I thought it was fine, but I think you’d need to play it a bit to get the strategy. Then we played Draftosaurus, which I won, and Vaalbara, which I never win because I haven’t figured out the strategy yet. We finished with a classic, Settlers of Catan, which we hadn’t played for ages. That game took a while, but I managed to win that one, so had a pretty successful night overall.

This morning I got up and had breakfast while my wife and Scully slept in. I planned to go out for a 5k run, but when I went into the bedroom to wake my wife up I bent over and hurt my lower back. I’ve done this a few times before and knew the horrible feeling when the muscles spasm and the pain shoots through the nerves. I quickly went and laid down on my front to calm the muscles down, and my wife got me an ice pack. I felt okay after a bit, but when I moved to try to stand up I could feel that it was going to be tough doing it without overwhelming pain. So I had to take it very slowly and struggled up after several minutes of tiny shifts.

Once standing, I could walk around and do some very gentle stretches to loosen up. The main problem is doing anything that might cause the muscles to spasm again, so I had to be super careful, all day. We’d planned to got out driving for the day, but had to nix that as I didn’t want to risk folding up in the car. I basically spent the day walking around slowly to relax and stretch the muscles and just avoid anything risky. Which made it hard to get much done in terms of things like writing comics or whatever that I’d wanted to do.

We went for a few short walks with Scully. Walking is the one thing I could do that works to help the muscles calm down and recover. For dinner we decided to go up the street to a local Szechaun place that we like, but where we haven’t been for a long time. I tried the sweet and sour pork for the first time (I usually get chilli prawns), and it was very good.

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Games night and a fast run

Friday I picked up the weekly grocery shopping in the morning. I order online, a habit I began during COVID, and continue because it saves me time wandering up and down all the aisles of the supermarket. When you order online, you can select a checkbox for each item saying whether it’s okay for them to substitute an alternate brand or product if the one you selected is out of stock. After some early experimentation with this, I simply set it to “no substitutions” for everything. Because sometimes I’d get stuff I really didn’t want.

But when I pick up the order at the supermarket, often they have still substituted something. But at least they let me know about and give me the option to reject the substitution and get a refund for the missing item. Yesterday I ordered a particular brand and type of bread. They had the exact one I ordered, and another different type, and asked me which one I would prefer, as if they were substituting something. But one was the actual correct product I’d ordered, so I pointed to that and said, “That’s the one I ordered.” They questioned again, asking if I’d prefer the other one. I had to say, “No, that’s the one I ordered, I want that one.” 🙄

I had a bunch of ethics classes. One had a returning student – I knew he was returning as I’d made a personal note about him in the private teacher’s notes section, just recording the country he lived in. I said, “Welcome back, you’ve done my classes before, right?” And he looked surprised and said, “No…” I said, “I’m sure you have, maybe a while ago.” He said it must have been a couple of years or so ago, which may well have been true. I think maybe he was impressed at my memory!

My wife and I went out to our local pizzeria for dinner. And then when we got home I joined online games night with my friends. It was just three of us this week, as one was away and another was busy moving into his brand new house (where we played last week, but he finally had his furniture moved on Friday). I won two games of Jump Drive quite dramatically – I was very lucky with drawing into strong synergies in each game. Then we played Luxor, which I came second in. One guy went to bed early, and the two of us remaining played Root on Steam. He played cats and I played the Alliance, with AI Eyrie and Vagabond, and I managed to win.

Scully slept better overnight. On Friday I wrote a note and put copies under the doors of all our neighbours in the building, asking if anyone had any new electrical devices running overnight that could be causing some high-pitched noise or other humming or whatever that might be disturbing Scully. Our neighbour directly below us responded and said they’d started using an automatic cat feeder on the weekend, and offered to turn it off to see if Scully would sleep any better. She did, but still wanted to leave the bedroom once soon after we went to bed. After wandering around the house for a bit she came back and then slept through the night, which was a lot better than the past several nights.

I think the experiment is inconclusive. I’m sceptical that a cat feeder would make a constant sound that would disturb Scully, and her behaviour seems more consistent with whatever is bothering her still being present, but maybe she’s getting used to it. Anyway, I reported back to the neighbour and they agreed to keep the cat feeder off for another couple of days to see what happens, and then maybe we can test it by trying it switched on again. If that makes Scully more agitated again then we’ll have some strong evidence.

After breakfast I went for a 5k run. I pushed a bit and recorded 26:38, my best time since back in March. So that was pretty good. It didn’t feel too hard either, like I still could have gone a bit faster.

This afternoon when out walking Scully past the small group of local shops, where the fish & chip shop is, we were lamenting that nothing there was open for dinner on a Saturday evening. But we noticed a new sign at the cafe, saying that it was now open for dinner from Thursday to Saturday! They only started this this week. So maybe in a week or two we might try going up there for dinner.

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First play of Arcs

Firstly one thing I forgot to mention on Thursday: While waiting for my iPhone appointment at Apple, after having some lunch I went to the new Lego store. This one in the heart of the city is supposed to be the biggest Lego store in the world. Although honestly I’ve been in the Lego store in Cologne, and the one here isn’t really that much bigger; maybe 20 or 30% bigger in floor space. They had some cool giant models. I would have taken some photos to show, but I only had my old phone and it was about to be wiped when trading it in for the new one. (I suppose I could have uploaded them somewhere or emailed them to myself, but I couldn’t be bothered.)

Friday was board games night at a friend’s place. This particular occasion was special because one of my friends just got given the keys to his brand new house by the builders. He had his old house demolished and a new one built on the land. We got to christen it with a games night, even though he hasn’t moved in yet. He brought over a table and some chairs and some ice to throw in a sink to keep drinks cold (no refrigerator).

We played Arcs for the first time. We decided to make it a learning game and not try to play too seriously, and just see how far we got before we decided we’d learnt how to play, then stop ready to restart a proper game next time.


It’s a space battle game over a set of planets in different systems. There are several different strategies for scoring points, some more aggressive and others more passive. We ended up playing 3 “chapters” of the possible 5 that makes a complete game. We were enjoying it, but felt it was getting a bit late and we’d learnt the game well enough by that point. Several players had made what later turned out to be strategically awful moves, so rather than play to completion we called the game done. In particular I tried attacking very early and aggressively, and ended up losing enough ships that I had to spend a long time simply recovering my position. Next time we’ll be prepared and ready for serious competition.

Today (Saturday) I got up a bit early. The sun is rising before 05:30, and the birds make noise way earlier. This changes tomorrow when daylight saving starts, so sunrise will be at a more sane 06:30. I went for a 5k run. It was already warm when I started at 8 o’clock. The day was a warm one. I made a new Darths & Droids comic.

In the afternoon my wife and I went for a long walk with Scully over to Cammeray. There’s a Mexican place there that does good margaritas and we had some during their happy hour, with some chips and guacamole. After relaxing for a bit we ordered some dinner. I got a plate of pork with corn various spicy bits and pieces, my wife got halloumi with broccolini and patatas bravas. Each plate came with tortillas to make little taco-like handfuls. The food was good and very filling.

Then we walked all the way home again as the sun went down. Venus and a super thin crescent moon were setting in the western sky, which was glowing orange. A nice way to end the evening.

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Arcs has arrived!

Friday was online board games night, and also I received delivery of my preordered copy of Arcs, a new board game that is all the rage at the moment. Naturally I opened the box and flipped through the rules quickly, but it was left for today to read the rules thoroughly and punch out the cardboard tokens and stuff. It looks very interesting, and hopefully I’ll get a chance to try it out with my friends at our next in-person games night next Friday.

For the online games we played a bunch of the usual suspects. Earlier on Friday I taught my 4 ethics classes. I also picked up the groceries from the supermarket.

In the evening my wife messaged that she had gone somewhere after work and was on her way home on the train, and asked if I wanted to meet at the station and go straight from there to dinner. I grabbed Scully and walked straight up, arriving right at the same time that she emerged from the station entrance. We went to Xenos, a Greek place that’s been in the neighbourhood forever. I had a veal schnitzel, with vegetables and mash and mushroom gravy. Not especially Greek, but still pretty good.

This morning we dropped Scully off at grooming. I went for a 5k run, managing a much better time than my last one in the cooler weather. I’ll have to see if my times get generally worse in the warmer weather over summer.

I also did a big clean, vacuuming everything, cleaning the bathroom, washing out the shower cubicle. I had a bit of an accident with the vacuum cleaner. The dust collector cylinder was full after the last three or or so cleans, so I detached it to empty it into a bag… and the latch opened and the whole contents spilled out onto the carpet… and onto the vacuum cleaner, including into all the nooks and crannies that are normally covered when the dust collector is attached. So I couldn’t put the dust collector back on and vacuum up the dust now inside the cleaner… So I had to wipe it all down with a damp cloth. And then reassemble and clean up the mess on the carpet.

Finally, a couple of photos I took on Thursday in the rain, while crossing the Harbour Bridge on the train:

Bridge rain

Bridge rain

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Local council election day

Today was election day in the New South Wales local council elections. We have three levels of government in Australia:

  1. Federal: Covering all of Australia. At this level we elect the Parliament of Australia and (indirectly) the Prime Minister.
  2. State: Each state elects a state government, generally a Parliament similar to the Federal one, led by a Premier. The contiguous territories also elect their own territorial governments. I live in New South Wales, so vote in the NSW state elections.
  3. Council: The states are divided into Local Government Areas (LGAs), usually called “councils”. For example, the state of New South Wales currently has 128 Local Government Areas, 33 of which are within metropolitan Sydney. The smallest covers less than 6 square kilometres, and the largest over 53,000 square kilometres. Voters elect a small group of councillors, who elect the Mayor of the LGA from among them.

I’m in the North Sydney Council area, so today I was voting for councillors for this LGA. My wife went to a yoga class first thing in the morning, and after that we met up at a local high school which was set up as a polling place. It wasn’t very busy, the queue in front of us was literally only two people, so we were in and out after voting in just a couple of minutes. While I was waiting there for my wife to arrive, two men approached and one went in to vote, while the other waited outside. A polling place worker came over and asked the waiting man if he was here to vote, and he said no, he didn’t live here, he was visiting from the USA. This sparked a conversation between the poll worker and the man about the differences between our electoral systems.

After voting, we walked home a long way, via the shops at Waverton to pick up a loaf of bread and so my wife could see the new Bay Brew cafe that has opened up in the premises of the old Waterview Cafe.

At home I worked on a couple of new Darths & Droids strips. I also played a game of Root with my wife. We haven’t played this game for several weeks, so it was good to pull it out again. This time I played the Eyrie (birds) while my wife played the Alliance again, and we used the bot players for the Marquise (cats) and Vagabond. It’s the first time we’ve used the Vagabot, and it was surprisingly effective, racing to the lead mid-game. But my wife managed to haul it in and overtake to win, with everyone else just a few points behind.

For dinner tonight we drove over to Four Frogs crêperie and had galettes. They had a special with Swiss cheese, gorgonzola, bacon, walnuts, and fresh figs, which I tried. It was pretty good! Rather than have a dessert crêpe, I had a second savoury one, with chorizo and mushrooms, which was also nice.

I didn’t do a 5k run today, since I did one yesterday evening, before the board games night started.

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Home made pizza and games night

This morning I went out to pick up the grocery shopping. I wasn unable to order any eggs in my online pick-up order, so while I grabbed fresh fruits and vegetables manually I also went to the egg section to get some there. But that section of the supermarket was completely bare – there wasn’t a single pack of eggs to be had. We’ve been having an egg shortage which I believe is because of a bird flu outbreak in Victoria. So I had to go home without.

But later in the day I took Scully for a walk up to the local shops and there’s a small grocery store there, and they had some eggs, so I bought a dozen there.

I had four ethics classes today. I was a bit worried about how heavy this topic on Hate would be after the first one on Tuesday. But it’s become easier over the week and today’s classes were kind of fun actually, discussing various things that the kids hated and why.

For dinner I made a potato pizza, rather than us going out to a restaurant. And tonight is online board games night. We have slightly fewer people than usual since one of the gang is going to see Iron Maiden in concert tonight.

We played a new game for me, called Mountain Goats. It’s an interesting dice combination game sort of like Can’t Stop, but with some new twists. It’s quite enjoyable.

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