This morning I finished off my lesson plan for this week’s new critical thinking/ethics topic of “Sayings”. I found some interesting medieval and foreign sayings that modern English speakers aren’t familiar with, to give to the kids to let them try to puzzle them out.
For lunch I drove with Scully over to Two Chaps at Marrickville, where I met my old friend Lisa. We grabbed a table out on the footpath, under a large umbrella to keep the sun off, and had a nice meal. I had the “corned beet” Reuben sandwich, which I’ve had before and really enjoyed. We had a big catch up conversation. She’s started working a part time job—for the first time since raising her kids—doing aged care home visits. She used to be a nurse, so has relevant experience.
After lunch I drove back home, made a comic for tonight’s update, and did the first class with the Sayings topic. Only one student, who was returning after a long break, but it was a lot of fun.
For dinner I made mushroom risotto. I’m just now trying to write some new Darths & Droids material. I need to get a new comic made tomorrow, but I’ll also be busy revising the image processing lecture material to make sure I’m ready to deliver the lecture on Thursday.
The lecture is on image segmentation and image analysis, covering topics such as thresholding, edge detection, pixel morphology operations (erosion, dilation, skeletonisation, etc), geometric property measurement, and convolution and cross-correlation. Should be a fun lecture! (This is serious, not sarcastic, in case that wasn’t obvious. 😀)
New content today: