I just completely forgot to do my blog post yesterday until it was too late. I had a day full of working on comics stuff, and avoiding going outside as much as possible because it was very hot.
However I did have to go out in the morning to drop the car off for an annual service, and then walk home in the heat – it’s about 25 minutes walk away. And then in the afternoon I had to walk back to the service centre to pick the car up again. There was an additional expense as the car needed a new battery installed, but otherwise it’s in good condition.
The heat broke with a cool change overnight, bringing some rain. Today was gloomily overcast all day, much cooler, and threatening rain, although there was barely a sprinkle. The Bureau of Meteorology today issued a report that La Niña conditions had returned, which may indicate increased rainfall for the remainder of the summer. I’d been enjoying the relatively dry conditions for the past few weeks, after the rain-soaked and very humid summers of the past four years.
Today I did some more comics stuff, making the first strip of Episode IX for Darths & Droids. I ran out of things to make lunch with at home, so had to go out and decided to get some pies. But when I got there the pie shop was closed! Probably still on a Christmas break. I ended up getting some Vietnamese rice paper rolls instead. Then I caught the Metro to my wife’s work to pick up Scully and walk home from there with her.
Tonight I restarted my online ethics classes, after two weeks break for Christmas and New Year. The new topic this week is Journalism. With questions such as:
Is it generally more important for news to be reported quickly, or accurately?
What purpose does journalism serve in our society? Why does it exist?
How can we tell if the news we see is really true?
Has the Internet made journalism better or worse?
One of the most culturally significant days in Australia before Christmas: Gravy Day. This comes from a song by one of our most iconic songwriters and performers, Paul Kelly. In 1996 he released a Christmas single, “How to Make Gravy“. It’s a very unconventional Christmas song – the lyrics are a letter being written by a man who won’t be home for Christmas…
Hello Dan, it’s Joe here, I hope you’re keeping well
It’s the 21st of December, and now they’re ringing the last bells
If I get good behaviour, I’ll be out of here by July
Won’t you kiss my kids on Christmas Day, please don’t let ’em cry for me
Heck, just listen to it.
I don’t think I need to say anything else. If that’s not immediately one of your favourite Christmas songs then you have no heart.
Yesterday was Friday online games night, after a regular day with four ethics classes for me. Im doing an end-of-year hypotheticals class, where I just ask kids “What if?” scenarios and ask them to think about the logical consequences. One question I asked is “What if everyone knew exactly when they would die?” Most kids gave sensible consequences such as people would be depressed, or they would party for the last month of their lives. But one kid absolutely could not be dissuaded from trying to avoid the fate. He kept saying, “on the day, you don’t go anywhere, stay at home so nothing happens to you”. I repeated over and over again that you die anyway, nothing you do can stop it. And he’d just give some other way to try to avoid it. Oh well, I suppose he was still exercising his thinking skills!
In the evening we went out for dinner to our local pizza place. It’s the place we go to most often and we like to support the owners, who have been having a tough time since COVID messed up the restaurant industry. They’re having a break over Christmas and returning to reopen the restaurant on 15 January. We wished each other a Merry Christmas as we departed.
Then for games I joined three friends online and we played some games of Jump Drive. I lost the first two horrendously, with scores like 24 points while everyone else was well over 50. The third game I only came second last, so I called that an achievement and we moved on.
We tried a new game called Ratjack, which is a rat-themed version of blackjack with some twists. Cards have values from 1 to 12, but each card also has a special ability, things like stealing cards from other players, or swapping cards, or adding values to the numbers or whatever. Each turn you draw a new card to make a hand of 2 with the one card you had left over from last turn, and then choose one to play, either face up—in which case you do its special ability—or face down—in which case you don’t, and the score doesn’t add to your total. The goal is to reach 25, or to make opponents bust by going over 25. Some of the cards also have abilities that turn face down cards face up, or vice versa, so those cards are still definitely in play. It was okay, but suffered a bit from down-time while waiting for everyone else to think about and play their turns. I ended up winning.
Then one of the guys begged an early bedtime and three of us continued with Castles of Burgundy. Since we played this just a few weeks ago, I actually remembered the rules and could play without fumbling around in the early rounds. However I soon dropped into last place. But I scored a large region worth a lot of points late in the game, which neither of my opponents did, and so I managed to end up winning. My first ever win with this game, so I was very pleased.
This morning I did my 5k run. The weather was warmer but not as humid, and it wasn’t so draining. I ran down to the wharf and back, which is the harder of the two routes I usually do because of more hills. I’m up to a total of 480 km for the year so far. I’m hoping to be able to get four more runs in before the end of the year to make it an even 500.
I spent a bit of time today doing Darths & Droids story planning stuff, to prepare for Episode IX. I made a graphical timeline of important events, and it got pretty complicated and convoluted. I’ll show this off in the future after we finish writing and publishing the comics for the last movie, but it’s full of spoilers so I can’t show it off now.
After lunch I spent a couple of hours working on cleaning the car. It hasn’t had a wash or vacuum for far too long and was looking pretty grubby. So I gave it the full treatment: vacuuming all the debris out (mostly sand and tiny bits of twigs, leaves, bark, etc), washing the exterior, drying with a chamois, detailing the interior to wipe off dust everywhere, applying leather cleaner and then protector to the seats and other leather surfaces, glass cleaner on the interior window surfaces, then waxing the bodywork, and finally polishing.
Oh, in other news, remember the issue with our phantom pet named Scout? How our vet thought we had another pet called Scout? And my wife called up and got them to remove it from our records?
Today she got a Christmas message from the vet, wishing Scully and Scout a Merry Christmas!!
It turns out that this is because our vet used to have two premises operating under the same business, and we often switched between the premises as they have different advantages (one has longer operating hours, the other is more conveniently located). But earlier this year they separated into two separate businesses, but both have copies of Scully’s records. We learnt about this a couple of weeks ago when my wife got a message saying that Scully was overdue for her annual vaccinations. But that wasn’t true—she’d been vaccinated during her annual checkup in July—but at the other premises.
Anyway, because of that, it turned out that we’d only removed Scout from one of the vet’s records and not the other one! But… and this is very odd… the first one said that Scout was a cat. This one, when my wife called up to remove Scout from our records, said Scout was a rabbit. So I don’t know what’s up with this mysterious Scout.
The record-breaking heatwave affecting inland Australia made its way to the east coast today. Inland suburbs of Sydney touched 42°C, but it remained a bit cooler nearer the coast where I am, thankfully, in the low 30s. But the humidity was still over 50% in the hottest part of the day here, whereas inland it dropped into the 20s for that dry heat effect.
Knowing this was the forecast, I took Scully out for a long walk around 7am, before it got too hot. We did the Waverton loop, going around the harbour shore. There’s one house that we pass where the owners always plant sunflowers, and they were in bloom.
The birds were out in force in the morning, especially by the water. I spotted this group of eight little black cormorants… or was it seven with a clever imposter??
(Spoiler: It’s a silver gull.) I did a couple of bird counts for eBird and recorded 18 different species.
Back home, I sheltered in the air conditioning for most of the day. working on Darths & Droids comics. I want to get ahead because there’ll be some time spent story planning for Episode IX when we start that very soon. And I need to build up a buffer for upcoming trips in the new year.
This evening I had the first class of the final week’s critical & ethical thinking topic for the year. We’re just having fun this week, with hypothetical “What if?” questions, getting the kids to think through logical consequences of weird scenarios. For example: What if social media likes were used as money? What if nobody agreed what colour anything was? What if everyone had a twin who it was impossible to tell apart?
The last one generated some very interesting discussion. One kid said people could commit crimes and nobody could be punished, because it would be impossible to know if you arrested the correct twin, and you’d have to avoid punishing the incorrect person. But another kid suggested that if it was truly impossible to tell the twins apart, they might be treated like a single person, and share one identity, one bank account, one job, etc. And if either one committed a crime, both would be punished. Actually all of the questions generated interesting discussions of the consequences. So it was a lot of fun. Perfect for the last class before Christmas.
Just after 8pm the southerly buster arrived with force. This is the local name for the cold front coming through from the south which rapidly reduces the temperature after a hot day, and brings cold strong winds and thunderstorms. We had very close lightning and loud thunder, and about 30 minutes of absolutely torrential rain, before it eased off. Thankfully it’s a lot cooler outside now, although the humidity has skyrocketed back around 95%. Tomorrow is forecast to be much cooler than today, around 25°C. Phew!
My first task this morning was supposed to be letting in a tradesman to install our new window blinds, which I’d ordered a few weeks ago to replace our ageing ones. He was supposed to arrive at 8 am, but I got a text message about 6 o’clock, saying that he’d had a family emergency and would call some time tomorrow to arrange a new date. Hopefully it’s nothing too serious, although it sounds pretty bad.
Next, I had to ship off a batch of Magic: the Gathering cards to a buyer, about 200 of them. After packing them carefully I walked with Scully up to the post office to send them. I’m slowly making a dent in this huge collection I have! (Which I’m trying to liquidate, since I rarely play any more. As previously mentioned on this blog.)
Next I wrote up my lesson plan for the new week of ethics classes. This week’s topic is “Codes of Honour”. I start with the chivalry of medieval knights, and go through an example of a pirate code, and then start the kids thinking about the relevance of codes of honour in the modern world. I ran the first class tonight and it went okay, though maybe some of the questions are a bit too open-ended for the kids.
This afternoon I made a lot more Irregular Webcomic! strips from the photos I took on Sunday. I’ve done most of them now, but still have half a dozen to go. Hopefully I’ll finish those off tomorrow.
For dinner I was feeling uninspired and didn’t have any cooking ideas until my wife came home from work. We decided to make vegetable fajitas, which required walking Scully up to the neighbourhood supermarket to get a zucchini, but we had everything else we needed. Including a fresh lime from our miniature lime tree, which added a nice zesty zing.
I also did a full write up and review of the green curry pork sausage roll for my food blog, that I promised on Sunday.
Oh, and my wife told me that she’d got a call from Scully’s vet today, saying that Scully was overdue for vaccinations. When my wife said that no, she’d had them in July with her annual checkup, the vet denied having any record of that. She finally determined that the two different branches of the vet business that we go to have at some point this year split into two separate businesses and no longer share records with each other. Which is inconvenient, because we switch between branch locations often based on convenience at the time – one is closer, but the other has longer hours. So I’m not sure what we’ll do now. I wonder if we can continue to go to both, and keep informing the other one of any events so we can keep the now-separate records in synch. 🤷🏻♂️
Yes, it’s that time of year already. I’ve been making plans to go visit my mother for a pre-Christmas lunch. She lives over an hour’s drive away, so I don’t get over there to see her very much. I’ve invited my brother along too, but it’s a long trip for him as well, so I’m not sure if he’ll make it or not.
I also spent some time today planning future ethics class topics for the weeks in December, leading up to a break which I plan on taking over Christmas and New Year. I’ve had special Christmas/holiday themed lessons at the end of the past few years, but I think I’ve run out of related topics, so this year I’m planning a fun hypothetical lesson, getting the kids to imagine what the world would be like if various strange scenarios happened. For example: What if likes could be used as money? What if people had wings? What if nobody agreed what colour anything was?
Otherwise my day was busy with lots of online ethics classes. I’m really enjoying this current week’s topic on Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities, which ends today.
Lots of teaching related stuff today. I started by writing my lesson plan for this week’s ethics topic of “Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities”. I got that done fairly quickly, and I think I have plenty of material.
Then I got stuck into marking more image processing final reports. I wanted to power through the final three written reports today, leaving me with just the 16 individual paper review videos to do. I managed it, and then entered all the marks so far into the university system. I found a faster way to do it than I’ve been doing the past three years. Instead of sequentially pasting remarks into each individual student’s page, having to copy/paste the same remarks 6 times for each member of the team, I opened all six team members at once in different browser tabs and pasted each remark 6 times with just one copy. It saved a significant amount of tedium.
In between I took Scully for a walk up the street to the shops and got some sushi for lunch. Scully was off her food today with a tummy upset, but seems better this evening.
Tonight I had the first class with the ethics topic. After going through some questions on the differences between rights, privileges, and responsibilities, I had a triangle diagram with one at each corner and asked where the kids thought things like “medical care” or “driving a car” or “voting” are. The voting one was very polarising. One kid said it was halfway between a privilege and a responsibility, but not a right. One said it was dead in the middle of all three. And the third kid said it was all the way in the “right” corner – he said everyone over the age of seven (!) should be allowed to vote and nobody should have that right taken from them.
Today I had a few tasks: Write up my class notes for the new week’s ethics lessons, on the topic of “Annoying Things”. I came up with an interesting fun question for the kids:
If you had an annoyance superpower that could make other people annoyed by things, how would you use it?
When I asked it in the first class tonight, the kids laughed and had a great time answering it. They said it probably wouldn’t be good to use it on most people, but you could potentially become a crime-fighting superhero by using it on criminals to distract them when they’re committing crimes.
One of the kids was a new 8-year-old. I’m always a bit worried when parents sign up kids this young to classes meant for 10-12 year olds. But she turned out to be mature and intelligent and have good enough English (not her native language) to participate without problem.
After I completed the lesson plan, I finished writing my latest batch of Irregular Webcomic! strips. By then it was time for an early lunch time walk with Scully. We went on a long walk around to Grumpy Baker and the harbour foreshore. I got a mushroom pie (vegetarian) from the bakery, and then did some ball fetching with Scully on the grass by the water. She was pretty worn out by the time we walked back home. The day was mild and cloudy, but a bit humid.
After lunch I photographed the sets for the new comics and assembled one for tonight. The I switched over to Darths & Droids writing, and hammered out another strip for that.
For dinner it was pizza night. We had a mix of pumpkin and asparagus today. Maybe a bit unconventional, but in my Italian video practice tonight I watched a video with a guy making a “zuccamisu” – a pumpkin spice tiramisu.
So if the Italians can do it to their own food, I don’t see why I can’t!
My back is much better today. So much so that when my wife got home I went out for a run. I took it a bit easy and only did 2.5 km, instead of my usual 5k. But it went well and I’m very happy that this episode of back pain has healed up quickly.
For lunch today I took Scully for a bit of a drive a couple of suburbs away to try a new place. I actually wanted to go visit the bottle shop to restock on some liquor, and chose a place to eat nearby. It was a Lebanese bakery, which made Lebanese style pizzas and pides and stuff. It was called Cedar Dough Lebanese Bakery, and the sign outside had the cedar tree of Lebanon on it, overlaid with Arabic text. Very authentically Lebanese. And when I went in to order something, the woman behind the counter was Chinese. Not exactly what I expected, but she was friendly and took my order for a folded pizza stuffed with cheese, mushrooms, and olives. I ate it sitting at the table outside with Scully, and it was pretty good.
In the morning before that I wrote up my next ethics lesson plan, on the topic of Hobbies. Tonight I had the first class. it went pretty well, except for one question, which I think I might have to excise from the class.
I asked: Are there any hobbies that could be harmful or raise ethical issues?
I expected: things like hunting, or trail bike riding.
I got: stealing things, committing crimes, bullying people.
In hindsight I’m glad no kid said serial killing…
I slept much better last night as my sore back felt better, and it continues to improve today.
I had my last 6 classes of the Halloween topic in my ethics class: Witch Hunts. it’s actually a fairly complex topic for some of the younger kids, and in one class today I had to take it quite slowly, but I think it was successful.
In one class, a kid was wearing a Star Wars shirt. I said cool, and asked him which movie was his favourite. He said, “Oh, I haven’t seen any of the movies. I just play the video games.” 😱
I just finished my last class at 10pm… so I’ll keep this short and go watch some TV before bed.
This evening I had my first online ethics class since stopping for a week to make time for last week’s ISO meeting. I wrote the lesson plan yesterday, and it’s on the topic of Witch Hunts, since this is the last full week (Tuesday to Monday) before Halloween. I start with the Salem witch trials to set historical context, and ask some questions about why those events happened and how something so grossly unjust could take place. And then move onto modern figurative witch hunts, where people are accused of something with little or no evidence, and what sort of consequences may occur.
It’s a fairly complex topic for the age group of the kids I’m dealing with, but most of them are pretty bright and I think they can handle it. Except today I had a new enrolment, and I did the full 3-minute introduction to the class, then launched into the backgrounds tory and starting asking questions, and when it came to this new kid she just looked like a deer in the headlights. I had to ask several times if she was thinking, or if she understood the question, or if indeed she understood English, before determining that her English skills were quite rudimentary. I had to remove her from the class, and then afterwards refund the class fee, unenrol her, and write a message of explanation to the parent.
At lunchtime today I took Scully on a long walk, with ball chasing time. She’s missed out a little lately, so it was good to get out in the fresh air for a good long while today.
This afternoon I catalogued and photographed more Magic cards for listing on eBay. A few hundred cards from the Unglued, Unhinged, and Unstable comedy sets, and a few hundred from Throne of Eldraine.