I got a good night’s sleep last night – my first one since leaving home last Friday. I got up just before my wife left for work and took Scully out for a walk to the local grocery store to buy some fresh fruit and vegetables so we have cooking supplies for the next few days until our regular grocery shop.
Today I finished off my critical thinking/ethics lesson plan for this week, on the topic of “Written Text”, which is talking about writing and writing systems. The questions for the kids touch on the invention of writing, the effects of writing on civilisation, writing in different languages, and modern developments such as the fact we all type way more than we handwrite these days, and what effects abbreviations and emojis have on writing.
I also made a new Darths & Droids comic. And I copied all my New Zealand photos off my SLR camera and phone onto my computer. I processed some of the SLR bird photos.
Here is a New Zealand fantail:
Variable oystercatchers (which vary from all black to black-and-white pied):
Australasian gannets:
And a house sparrow, which is not that exciting as it’s an introduced species and very common, but at least I got close to it:
For lunch I took Scully for a walk to the pie shop, since I didn’t have any bread at home to make sandwiches. I’m baking a new sourdough loaf and will have fresh bread tomorrow. It was drizzling gently as we walked up. The weather forecast for the next few days is wet, with heavy rain of up to 70 mm predicted for Saturday.