Today I worked on the next Darths & Droids strip, then got stuck into finishing off processing and uploading photos from my last day in Tokyo. I also went through and found all the photos I’d taken of birds, and identified all the species. Some of them were a bit tricky, since I only got shots from a distance with my phone. But I’m pleased to say that overall I added seven new species to my list, plus a Eurasian coot, which I’ve photographed in other countries but not Japan.
Including brown-eared bulbul:
Eurasian teals:
Tufted ducks:
And common pochard:
At lunch I took Scully for a walk to the hardware store, where I had some new keys cut for the new lock that will be installed on our new door when the fire safety people come to replace our old door on Friday. Unfortunately when I got back home and tested the new keys they didn’t work! The supplied keys have six places where the metal has been removed to set a new level different from the blank. But the cut keys only have metal removed from the five spots closest to the back of the key. There’s a whole spot nearest the tip of the key which wasn’t ground down. So now I’m going to have to go back and either get them properly cut or my money back and go somewhere else. This time I’ll take the actual lock with me and test them in the shop before leaving.
This evening, fried rice for dinner, followed by three ethics classes.