Starting on post-ISO meeting work

Today I did some comics stuff for Darths & Droids, and I also started work on follow-up things for the ISO Photography Standards meeting I attended in Tokyo. I had to download and look through a huge bunch of documents – all of the presentations that were made during the meetings in Tokyo, summary files, and so on. It’s something like about 50 PDF files. The next task is summarising them all for my report to Standards Australia, which I’ll try to get done in the next few days.

Speaking of Tokyo, here are some more photos from my trip, which I processed and uploaded yesterday. These are all from the first two days.

Flying out of Sydney. It’s a pretty good view of the city from the take-off flight path. This is an edited version of the photo I posted while I was over there in Tokyo (straightening the horizon and improving the colour and contrast).

Departing Sydney (edited version)

View from my hotel room in Shinagawa, Tokyo.

Shinagawa Prince Hotel view

Sake barrels sent to the Meiji Jingu shrine from manufacturers all over Japan.

Sake barrels, Meiji Jingu

Torii gate at Meiji Jingu.

Second torii at Meiji Jingu

A procession of monks for the Emperor’s Birthday.

Monk procession

Inside the Meiji Jingu shrine.

Meiji Jingu courtyard

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