Getting back in the swing Tuesday

I got another good sleep, although I went to bed a bit late due to not finishing ethics classes until 10pm last night. Tonight should be an earlier night.

My first task today was writing the new lesson plan for the new week’s classes. The topic this week is “Always Connected”, discussing the modern phenomenon of being able to contact and be contacted at all times, no matter where you are, thanks to mobile phones and devices. I start with a story about myself, and the fact that when I was the age of the kids in the classes, I had a pen-pal. I think I’ll have to explain what a pen-pal is! And how over time, as technology advanced, we moved from exchanging letters to e-mails, and then onto social media. And along the way I ask the kids about the effects of this technology change on how we communicate and our well-being. In the afternoon I had two classes to finish off the “Danger!” topic from last week, then in the evening the first class on the new topic.

After completing the plan (before the afternoon classes), I went for a walk with Scully up to the pie shop to get some lunch. They had a new special today, a peri-peri chicken pie. This sounded great so I tried one, and it was indeed very good.

I also spent a bit of time processing some photos from my last day on Tokyo. Here are some from Nezu Jinja shrine, in Nezu, Tokyo. The entrance, with the market:

Nezu Jinja shrine

Torii gates:

Nezu Jinja shrine

Torii and a pavilion overlooking a koi pond:

Nezu Jinja shrine

Ema plaques and the main temple building:

Ema at Nezu Jinja shrine

A warbling white-eye. Taken with my phone!:

Warbling white-eye

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