This morning I did a 5k run. I wanted to beat 28 minutes and put an extra effort in and ended up recording 26:46, which I was very pleased with.
Afterwards, my wife and I went for a drive over to the suburb of Summer Hill. She had proposed we go there to look around as it’s a place we’ve never been before. We wandered around several of the streets, checking out the shopping area and some residential streets. We found an amazingly good patisserie, called simply the Summer Hill Village Patisserie. While we were looking hungrily at the pastries in the window, the woman inside stuck a note on the window right in front of our noses: “Special: 3 items, $3 off; 4 items, $4 off”.
So we had to go in and get three items! My wife got a croissant, while I decided to make this lunch and got a cherry danish, and a sfogliatella filled with ricotta and candied orange peel (top right in above photo). We sat in the small square across the street to eat them, and they were delicious!
Walking around, we admired the architecture: a mix of Victorian terrace houses:
Victorian/Federation hybrids:
Federation Free with classical columns:
Art Deco:
And modern murals:
It was a fun and interesting slice of Sydney history.
Back home I had three classes this evening, punctuated by an hour break in which I made Thai red curry Brussels sprouts with rice for dinner.
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