Today was a day busy with ethics classes: two in the morning, and three in the evening. In between I took Scully for a couple of walks and I worked a bit on some comics stuff.
At the moment I’ve started on a couple of books. One is an old one I’ve had for many years, which I’m rereading after a very long time: Comet, by Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan. I was inspired to reread this by recently realising that Halley’s Comet—whose 1986 appearance was the inspiration for the release of this book in 1985—passed aphelion last year and is now on its way back towards the inner solar system for its reappearance in 2061.
The other book I’m working on (not merely reading) is Finish This Book, by Keri Smith. I’ve had this book on my shelf for some time, after spotting it in the creativity section of a bookshop some years ago. It’s an interactive book, which encourages you to write and draw in its pages as you progress. I decided to finally start it, and am a few pages in. But…. it’s not what I expected at all. I thought it would be a simple thing where you turn the page and it says “Draw a monkey in this blank space”. And other such exercises to simply get you doing something creative. But no… it seems to be some sort of interactive story/puzzle thing that you work through. There’s a lot of extraneous fictional fluff about how the author “found” some weird manuscript in a park somewhere, and now they want you to help them finish it according to some “rules” that will be revealed later on. And it says you need scissors and glue and stuff. Which I suppose might be interesting, but it’s not what I signed up for. Anyway, I’m going to persevere and see what happens. I’m not flipping ahead to see anything before I work my way through page by page.
In other news, I might finally finish off the last of the leftover Christmas pudding tonight…
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