Random blinds cleaning

Today I suddenly decided that I wanted to clean the vertical blinds that we have on the windows in the living room. Unfortunately with the humid weather we’ve been having the past few years they’ve developed mould spots on them, which I attempt to clean occasionally with mould remover, but they keep coming back. So I decided to take the blinds down completely and wash them in bleach solution to totally kill the mould and clean the spots off.

This was far easier said than done. The blinds are fiddly once removed from the wall mounts, and the long vertical blades are all connected by strings which can get tangled. I washed them, but then had trouble laying them out to dry. Eventually I decided I had to rehang them as sunset was approaching and I didn’t want our windows to be uncovered at night, and they were still a bit wet between some of the blades.

The result was not great and some of the blades got wrinkled in the washing process. And some of the connecting string bits that keep the blades parallel broke. The blinds are pretty old and I’m thinking it’s time to replace them with brand new ones. So probably some time during the week I’ll call a blinds company and have them come measure up the windows for new ones.

In other news, I got an email today from a Kickstarter campaign that I backed in 2017 that never delivered any rewards. It says to contact them and they’ll arrange a refund! Wow… I’d given up on getting anything from this Kickstarter about 4 or 5 years ago. Now just to see if they really follow through and process the full refund.

Apart from these things it was a pretty usual Sunday. Some comics work, walking Scully with my wife, cooking dinner (Indian spiced chick peas and potato), and three ethics classes.

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