Hot games night, and a cool change

Friday was board games night at a friend’s place. I picked up Thai food on the way at Faux Hun (previously explained).

There were five of us and we played games of Carcassonne, Ra, and For Sale. I came last in Carcassonne, but finished second or third in the other two – I forget exactly.

Friday was very warm, feeling more like summer than early spring. Today dawned warm after a warm night, and it was almost 25°C when I went for my 5k run at 9am. But a cool southerly change came through and by early afternoon it was down to 21°C, and then chilly in the evening when we walked out to get some dinner.

We went to a different pizza place, which does calzones and arancini, which we like.

But mostly today I worked on writing new Irregular Webcomic! strips. I want to get a batch of 30 written by tomorrow so I can photograph them no later than Monday afternoon, so the first one is ready by Monday evening.

I also learnt a whole bunch of Italian vocabulary words watching a YouTube video about English words that have been borrowed into Italian, but have different meanings. I learnt that golf has two different meanings in Italian: (1) golf, (2) a jumper (or sweater for Americans).

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