Getting into Italian videos

So I’ve been watching more Italian YouTube videos to improve my listening skills and get exposed to more vocabulary. Yesterday I watched one of the videos from a channel I follow, where the guy suggested putting on Italian stuff in the background while doing other things, just to have the sounds enter your head, even while you’re not concentrating on them. He said the best YouTube channel for this is QVC Italia, which is an Italian home shopping network!

He said it’s great because (1) they are speaking standard Italian with no regional dialect or accent, or slang words, (2) what they are saying is very descriptive, they’re talking about a particular thing, and (3) the thing they’re talking about is shown on the screen. This makes it a lot better than, say, watching in Italian movie, where the people will usually be talking about stuff that isn’t visible on the screen. And you can play games with it such as trying to figure out what they’re talking about without looking, and then confirm by taking a glance at the video. So I started watching a few of the QVC Italia videos and they’re quite fun actually. They have some cooking segments which are cool to watch.

Today I didn’t do much particularly interesting. A 5k run, for which I tried to go a bit faster than yesterday, which I managed, but it was a bit of a struggle. I wonder if it’s the slightly warmer weather that’s making it tougher.

Because it’s really feeling like spring now. There are cherry blossoms out everywhere, and the magnolias are losing their flowers and starting to sprout new green leaves. Azaleas are blooming everywhere. And birds are starting to nest and produce young. The brushturkeys in particular have started making huge messes of leaf litter everywhere.

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