Ethics of video games

It threatened rain all day today, but I don’t think it ever actually happened. I took Scully for a drive to get pies for lunch and also fill up the car with petrol. I have this petrol price monitoring app and it’s amazing how the price fluctuates over the weeks. Thankfully we don’t drive enough to have to refill weekly, so I can wait a few weeks for the price to come down. The difference can be 30-40 cents a litre these days, if you just wait a couple of weeks for the prices to cycle, which is insane.

I spent much of the day writing a class plan for a topic on Video Games. Some questions:

  • Why do you think video games are so popular among both kids and adults today?
  • Do you think playing video games is any better or worse than traditional hobbies?
  • What do you think about in-game purchases?
  • What do you think about people making a career out of playing video games or esports?
  • Are video games an important part of modern culture? In what ways?
  • Are old video games worth preserving for future generations?

I also planned ahead for future topics in the next few weeks on Mega-Engineering, and Hospitality. Which should be interesting subjects!

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One thought on “Ethics of video games”

  1. Related ethical question: what do your students (or what would your students) think of Robert Sawyer preserving the old word processor Word*Star, despite it being highly questionable whether he’s violating someone’s copyright/trademark?

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