Pub meal, schnitzel and banoffee

This morning my wife went out early for an appointment, and then I took Scully up to meet her at the dog grooming place to drop Scully off there. She got a wash and tidy, but not a cut, as her hair wasn’t really too long. But when we picked her up she was super fluffy from the blow dry and looked really big compared to normal. But the hair will flatten out agian and she should be fine until the next groom. It’s midwinter anyway, so she can use the extra insulation!

On the way home from the groomer we stopped at Moon Phase for croissants. I actually had a black sesame bun, another new item. I keep trying new things and haven’t had the same thing there twice yet. The sesame bun was really nice.

Back home I changed to go for a 5k run. I thought I was still taking it fairly easy, since I’m a little out of practice, but I clocked a time nearly a minute faster than last weekend, at 27:15, which is on the lower end of my usual times, so that was good.

In the afternoon I worked on some comics stuff.

And then for dinner we all walked up early to Naremburn and the Flat Rock Brew Cafe. We grabbed a table outside. Everyone else except other dog owners were sitting inside out of the cold! I got a chicken schnitzel and they had a chocolate milk stout on the beer specials, so I tried that with it. After the meal I pondered idly if they had any desserts, because I hadn’t seen any on the menu. My wife asked a staff member who was walking past, and he said they had a banoffee pie. Well… that’s one of my favourite desserts, and I wasn’t too full already from the meal, so I ordered a piece. It turned out to be obviously hand made, with a really thick biscuit base, slathered with sticky toffee and banana slices. It came with a scoop of ice cream on the side. The base was so thick that it was difficult to cut it with the spoon! It was really delicious and I’m very glad I decided to get it.

After that it was a walk home to walk off some of the food. And we sat down to watch the final episode of Disenchantment, which we have finally got to after a drawn-out process of working our way through the episodes after not realising for a few years that seasons 4 and 5 had been released!

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2 thoughts on “Pub meal, schnitzel and banoffee”

  1. Oh, Disenchantment is complete? I guess it’s a good time for me to get back into it, then.

    I watched the first season/part when it aired. It didn’t win me over too quick, it felt a bit meh. But I loved some parts of it; and the bold choices it made at the end earned my respect.
    And then I never showed up for the rest, I guess.

    So were you satisfied with the series? Opinions seem to be mixed in general.

    1. I liked it, but not as much as Futurama. It went in a more dramatic and slightly less comedic direction to Futurama, and personally I’m also not a huge fan of the modern trend of making TV series into one huge long story arc, rather than the episodic nature of older series. I felt the story dragged a bit in places, particularly in the middle section. But having completed it, I’m satisfied overall and can look back fondly on some of the more hilarious moments and the running gags.

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