What did I even do this Sunday?

I’m having trouble remembering… it was really just a day of mostly staying at home and working on comics stuff. I did a 5k run in the morning, and then looked after Scully while my wife went into the city for a lunch with some old work colleagues.

Although I slept in a bit this morning, I’ve been feeling a bit tired for much of the day. Oh, I did make a sourdough loaf for my wife to use for lunches this week.

For dinner I made vegetable fajtas, which was a suggestion to make use of a lime that has been growing on our small lime tree on the balcony. I was hoping it would grow larger, but it fell off the tree overnight, so I wanted to try and use it quickly. It was tiny and not very juicy, but did taste really good squeezed on the spicy vegetables.

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