A nice seafood lunch

My wife was home from work today so we took the opportunity to go and have a nice lunch out. There’s a place near us that does oven grilled salmon and other things. She felt like that salmon so suggested we go there. I chose a “seafood stew” which looks suspiciously like cioppino – a dish I had once in the San Francisco Bay area and which was delicious. So when I saw it on the menu I decided I’d try it. It came with flame grilled rye sourdough slices and was indeed good.

Speaking of rye, I tried making rye sourdough myself today for the first time. I’ve been looking for rye flour for a while, but the supermarket doesn’t stock it. I found some in a health food shop the other day and bought a small amount to try it. I made a loaf with about 1/3 rye flour and the rest white bread flour. It turned out really nice!

Rye sourdough

Oh, and an interesting observation from my ethics/critical thinking classes so far on the topic of Food. Most of the kids think it would be a good idea if there were rules or regulations to restrict how unhealthy restaurant food can be. Like a maximum proportion of butter or salt in dishes. Very few of them have said that restaurant chefs should be free to make food with any amount of unhealthy ingredients they want.

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4 thoughts on “A nice seafood lunch”

  1. Ah, your ethics class is thinking they can tell people to stop poisoning themselves… funny – they will grow out of it.
    BTW – selling unhealthy food at restaurants is a real issue, but usually it actually kills someone when it’s an alergic substance, like that guy in cambodia a few days ago that got cheese in his meal even though he said he was allergic, and died from it.
    Having high salt levels just isn’t in the same class, and most restaurants don’t even have to mark what they put in their dishes, or how many calories are in it. Considering the hassle of standardising food and testing the nutritional values – I’d settle for declaring allergens and not adding pathogens.

  2. I love rye bread, but I haven’t remotely got the patience to bake, and commercial “rye” bread here in New York is rye-flavored wheat bread with food coloring.

    1. Ewww… really? I thought New York was supposed to have good rye bread in all those delis and stuff.

      1. I don’t live in New York City. There are multiple political entities involved.

        New York State, which has a population pretty close to Australia’s and covers more area than the Netherlands. This includes …

        New York City, which has those delis and stuff. New York City includes …

        New York County, which is the island of Manhattan. That’s weird, because in the United States, Counties normally include multiple cities and towns, not the other way around.

        I live on Long Island, which is, well, a long, skinny island to the east of Manhattan (and mainland New York State, and Connecticut–it really is long). Geographic terminology being what it is, the island is home to four counties, two of which are parts of New York City (Queens and Brooklyn, or in this context Queens and Kings counties). However, linguistically Queens and Brooklyn are not part of Long Island, which is only Nassau and Suffolk counties. Queens and Brooklyn are “the City”, New York City. However, if you’re in Brooklyn or Queens, “the City” is Manhattan. Note that I’m ignoring the Bronx and Staten Island, the other components of New York City. That’s because Long Islanders like me generally do.

        And Long Island City is not a city, although it’s on Long Island. It’s a neighborhood in Queens, thus being in New York City. However, it’s perfectly possible to leave Long Island City and travel to “the Island” (meaning Long Island), because culturally Long Island City is part of “the City”, not “the Island” (and “the Island” is always Long Island, not Staten Island, Governor’s Island, or any of the other local islets).

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