Engineering data presentation

Today I dedicated time to working on student exercises for the topic of data visualisation and presentation for the Data Engineering course. I wrote a couple of exercises using some public datasets to show off some data visualisation features, and also to explore how presentation of the data can be used to push an agenda and deceive the viewer. Simultaneously I wrote sample Matlab code to carry out the exercises. I’ve just uploaded the exercises, datasets, and sample code to the university Canvas site (a web app that lets students access course data) – it sits there unpublished until the relevant week of the course, but the lecturer can view and edit it.

Next step will be to work on slides and diagrams for use during the same week’s lecture, which I’ll do later this week – hopefully to complete by Friday.

Besides this work, I did my usual 2.5k run, baked some sourdough, and at lunch I went for a long walk with my wife and Scully to get some lunch and some outdoor time. I also took Scully to the dog park late in the afternoon, to get a bit more exercise in and socialising with other dogs.

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