Tonsil recovery day 1

I didn’t feel in much pain last night after my tonsil surgery, so I just had a couple of paracetamol tablets before bed, rather than the extra-strong painkillers I’d been prescribed. I think I would have slept okay, but I kept waking with a clogged phlegmy feeling throat, and having to swallow to clear it, so I didn’t sleep very well.

Today, mostly my throat has not been painful in general, but it does hurt when I swallow food. I need to chew well to avoid any hard or scratchy lumps and to swallow smaller portions at a time, and wash it down with water. I had my usual muesli for breakfast and was okay with that routine.

For lunch my wife and I went out to a nice seafood restaurant. Normally we go out on a Friday night, but we decided to do it for lunch today since she was off work to look after me, and then we could relax at home tonight. I had a nice piece of grilled salmon, with chips.

At home I relaxed a bit, made some comics, and then in the evening it was virtual games night. I played a coupe of games of Kingdomino and then a Nidavellir, before stopping to relax and just watch some TV with my wife before bedtime.

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