The rainy weather well and truly set in today. And it was really cold. The forecast maximum was 17°C for Sydney, but it only reached a maximum temperature of 14.7°C… at 08:21 this morning. The temperature has been dropping from there all day, as the rain built up and became a steady heavy pour this afternoon.
We took Scully out for a walk early this morning, in a period where we only had to put up with a light sprinkle. Apart from that, it was really a day to huddle inside. Since we didn’t want to exercise Scully outside in the pouring rain, we invited her poodle friend Luna over from next door, and the two of them had a rough and tumble play inside.
I worked on some comics stuff, making sure I have a buffer to cover a trip away next weekend. And that was about it.
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Well, it might not have been a fun day, but congratulations on the drought breaking, I guess. I know our own West Coast would be grateful for a full day of rain right now.