The last Irregular Webcomic!

Today was a landmark. I assembled the last Irregular Webcomic! strip that I currently plan on making. It’ll be published on Friday this week, and then I’ll go into just doing rerun strips daily.

I have no plans to ever revive the strip again, but I’m not entirely ruling it out. If I get inspired and itching to do more then I might make a few more, or I might do some one-offs for some reason. But I’m treating this as the end for now.

I suppose I could write a bunch of stuff reminiscing or saying how weird it feels to end such a large phase of my life, but honestly I don’t feel like not making new IWC strips will make a huge difference to my life right now. Yes, I’ll have a bit more free time, but it’ll quickly get gobbled up by other things, and I’ll wonder how I ever fit it in at all.

As life goes on, I wrote my new week’s ethics class today, on the topic of “Danger!” And this evening had the first class with the new topic. I have plenty of questions and we didn’t get to several near the end, but the class has four kids, so more of the material will get used in smaller classes.

My Japan trip is rapidly approaching. Tomorrow I’ll use some time to start packing, and going through checklists to make sure I have everything we’ll need. We fly out on Saturday, and will be dropping Scully off at a friend’s place for dogsitting on Friday night.

We’re also tapering off our perishables, making sure we use up all the fresh fruit and vegetables before we leave. Today I used a potato and half the remaining onion to make a lentil dhal. There’s a chunk of pumpkin to be used tomorrow in a quiche to use up eggs. And then Thursday and Friday will be getting creative with whatever we have left.

New content today:

3 thoughts on “The last Irregular Webcomic!”

  1. It seems to me that it is a good time to stop making IWC – if it feels like an insignificant thing it’s probably good to do something else.

    I like the comic, and again, thank you for it! I still remember meeting you almost twenty years ago in Sydney. I’m a bit amazed how long time ago it was. At the time I think IWC felt like an established webcomic already.

  2. General Protection Fault ended its main story. Sluggy is winding down. Order of the Stick is on its closing ark.

    My thanks to all of the creators for the no obligation entertainment. <3

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