I forgot to mention yesterday that I got stung by an ant. It was after my 5k run, and I was doing some warm down stretches, and then some sit-ups on the grass area near my home. I was in the middle of the sit-ups and I felt a pain like a needle prick on the back of my upper arm. I finished the exercises before looking, and then realised it must have been an ant sting.
It was nowhere, I mean nowhere near as bad as the jack jumper ant sting I got some years back (around 2017, I think). This time I didn’t see the ant, but I’m guessing it must have been a bull ant. I’ve been stung by those a few times before. I seem to remember them being more painful than this time, but maybe my memory is unreliable.
Today I noticed the sting wound had grown larger.
This is about 33 hours after the sting. The red area is lumpy and the skin scaly. This is a pretty normal reaction; I don’t believe I’m allergic to ant stings at all. Hopefully it’ll go down over the next few days.
Today I had the usual bunch of ethics classes, leaving not much time for other things. There was also a huge thunderstorm which hit just after midday. Parts of Sydney got over 70 mm of rain in 30 minutes, causing flash flooding. Here it was like someone was throwing buckets of water at the windows – very windy, torrential rain, and lots of thunder and lightning. It lasted maybe an hour. I haven’t been out since, but I expect there’ll be branches and maybe trees down all over the place.
New content today: