My wife started at the new gym this morning which is taking over from the old one that closed down two weeks ago. They had some sort of arrangement with a new gym opening up, to transfer memberships. It’s in a slightly different location and she took a different walking route home… which went right past Moon Phase, the bakery! So she brought me home a surprise treat, one of their choc-hazelnut pastries. Mmmm. I had it late in the morning, just before starting two online classes in a row before lunch.
After making myself some sandwiches for lunch, I took Scully for a walk around the railway station. The weather was cloudy and cooler than the past few days, which was nice, but we didn’t have time for a long walk as I had to be back for two more classes from 1pm.
Tonight I made a mushroom pizza for dinner. I have some leftover sour cream which I need to use up quickly before it goes off, so I dolloped some on top of the hot slices and added a bit of chilli oil, making it kind of like a stroganoff pizza. Well, maybe not, but it tasted good enough.
Not much else to report today. Oh, I made another new Darths & Droids strip. Tomorrow I’ll need to spend some time assembling Irregular Webcomic! strips using the photos I took on Sunday.
New content today: