Italian notes are migrated

Today I finished transferring all of my Italian language notes from OneNote to Obsidian. The last two pages of notes were complicated and needed a lot of reformatting, which was why I left them to last. They are my pages on verb tenses and conjugations, and a second page all about the subjunctive tense. I realised they needed a bit of revamping and reorganisation, so it was quite a job porting them across.

I also wrote a new batch of Irregular Webcomic! strips, ready for photographing on the weekend. I’m getting close to finishing off most of the theme storylines. My plan, as it is, is to hopefully write and produce one last batch during the Christmas break, which should hopefully mean that I finish making new comics before the New Year, although the comics will run into January, and maybe slightly into February.

And of course I had some ethics classes. The Alien Invasion topic is very fun and interesting, with some intriguing and amusing discussion from some of the kids.

On TV I’ve started rewatching the original series of Star Trek, which is on Netflix. I watched “The Cage” and “The Man Trap” the past two nights. Tonight I might do “Charlie X”. It’s been too long since I rewatched all of these. And I was somewhat surprised in a class this evening to have a girl mention while we were discussing aliens that she watched Star Trek too, with her parents, and it was one of her favourite shows.

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