I slept poorly, because I was trying hard not to injure my back more during the night as I rolled over in bed. I think I got about two hours sleep before waking to roll over and deciding to get up and stretch out and walk off the stiffness and pain. I put an ice pack on and did stretches before getting back into bed. Then I only kind of half-dozed for a few more hours without really falling asleep, and got up again to do more ice and stretching. I spent about an hour doing that before returning to bed again around 5:30am, and half-dozed again without moving.
But it helped! I was tired, but my back survived the night without getting much worse. During today I continued the ice and stretches, and we went on a big walk with Scully which gave it some natural movement. And this evening it feels a lot better. I can tell it’s still a bit tender and stiff, but it’s not painful at all. I think experience with this issue means I know how to attack it quickly and effectively to reduce how serious it is. Hopefully by tomorrow it’ll be close to normal again.
Mostly today I worked on comics. I did a Darths & Droids strip, and also photographed and assembled a week’s worth of Irregular Webcomic! to cover the upcoming week. I’d intended to do a full batch of several weeks worth, but abandoned that when I hurt my back yesterday.
New content today: