Sydney ISO meeting: Day 4; D&D night; marking day

Friday was the last day of the IOS Photography Standards meeting. We had one technical session on camera image information capacity. The goal of this project is to come up with measures that can be calculated from the pixel statistic that reflect how well the image supports machine vision tasks such as object detection to be performed. This is a very different measure from image quality for humans. The use case is similar in fact to the machine vision standard I mentioned on Day 1, but here we’re using measures such as the Shannon information capacity.

After that we had the closing administrative sessions, going over action items, finalising plans for the next meeting, adopting resolutions, and paying thanks to the various organisers and hosts (which includes me this time!).

I came home about 2:30pm and got straight into housecleaning to prepare for the Dungeons & Dragons game in the evening. I vacuumed, cleaned the shower and bathroom, and had a shower to freshen up. Friends arrived at 6pm and we played the next session of our current adventure. Much fun was had, and we finished up around 10:30.

Today I got up, had breakfast, went for a 5k run. I didn’t do as fast as last weekend. It was warmer and more humid, so it was a bit tougher going. After a shower I made a new Darths & Droids strip for tomorrow.

Then I got stuck into marking student assignments for the university image processing course. I have seven groups to mark, and got through three this afternoon. Hopefully I can polish off the last four tomorrow.

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