Sydney ISO meeting: Day 2

I got up this morning and after breakfast headed into the city for day 2 of the ISO Photography Standards meeting. The weather was better today, with a bit of sun poking through the clouds, though it go greyer in the middle of the day. Late in the day the sun came out again and it was a beautiful early evening.

The technical discussion today was all about high dynamic range (HDR) image representation, covering aspects of how to specify conversion to standard dynamic range (SDR) displays or print renderings, how to edit HDR files that contain metadata specifying the creator’s artistic intention on different display media, and so on. It was very technical and not my area of specialty, so a bit less interesting to me than tomorrow’s other technical topics.

One interesting point that came up about converting HDR images for SDR display: If your software/hardware can’t render the HDR content adequately then there is a potential privacy or security issue because users might then share an HDR image that contains visible data that they can’t see on their display, and so would be unaware of. This is the sort of consideration that we have to think about when devising standards to deal with this sort of stuff.

We broke early at 4:30pm because I’d organised a behind-the-scenes tour of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. We met there at 5:30, allowing some delegates time to drop gear at their hotel rooms. We were met by a staff member who is also on the Australian photography standards committee, and she showed us around the gallery photo labs, demonstrating equipment used to digitise artworks and telling us about their program of photography and digitisation, the unique challenges they face, and so on.

After this we separated, with many of the international delegates taking the opportunity to explore the Art Gallery (which is open until 10pm on Wednesdays). But I headed home on the train, getting home a bit before 8pm.

My wife had already had some dinner, so I cooked up some mushrooms on toast for a simple dinner.

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