Backwards weather day

Well. I mentioned that yesterday was hot, and the forecast for today was much colder and rainy. They were not kidding.

Today’s maximum temperature in Sydney was 17.8°C. At midnight. It got colder to the dawn, and continued getting colder throughout the morning. Today’s minimum temperature (so far) was recorded at 1pm, at 11.7°C. Since then it’s got a fraction warmer, but is still only hovering either side of 12°C.

And the rain has been steady all day at a moderate rate. We’ve had 32 mm since midnight, and it’s heavier right now, so possibly we’ll reach the forecast amount of 40 mm by midnight.

After teaching two online classes in the morning I finished off writing up the log of our last Dungeons & Dragons session, ready for our next planned one. I took Scully out in the rain for her toilet, and then instead of walking all the way to my wife’s work in the rain I drove over there to drop Scully off, before driving back home and walking to the station here to go into town for today’s lecture at the university.

Today the students began doing project work for their assessment task. The professor didn’t have any coursework lecture, but he gave an informational lecture about JPEG standards development, which he works on as part of the JPEG committee. Then we had a couple of hours of advising the student teams on their project work. I spent most of walking around and talking with the students, answering questions and giving advice on their project plans. It’s a bit more intensive than the usual lecture/tutorial sessions.

Back home I had two more ethics classes this evening, and in the hour in between I made pasta alla norma, with an eggplant and tomato sauce.

The rain should ease tomorrow, but will probably continue through the night.

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