Like Garfield, Mondays can be the worst days sometimes

Monday is my busiest day with online ethics classes. I have four between 8am and 1pm, with an hour break in between the two sets of two. And two of my most challenging classes are in this batch, with kids who are reluctant to speak, have difficulty speaking, I have difficulty understanding, have technical issues with their audio, and/or have lots of distracting background noise making hearing the difficult. It takes a real effort to concentrate on what they’re saying, or give them enough time to think, or encourage them to speak, or work around the audio issues.

By 1pm I was worn out. It was time to take Scully for a walk and get some lunch. We went up to the fish & chip shop and I grabbed some fish & chips there, then we walked down to the park by the ferry wharf to sit and eat by the water. This is a nice secluded park which is never busy, so it’s good for Scully to run around in. After eating I threw a ball for her to chase and fetch a bit, before we started walking home.

In the afternoon I worked on assembling more Irregular Webcomic! strips from the last photo batch. I got through a few, but still have many more to go.

My wife took Scully on another walk before dinner, and I met them up at a supermarket to buy some pizza cheese and pumpkin for dinner.

Tonight I have two more ethics classes. These are easier ones, but the last is from 9-10pm, so it’s quite late. Phew! It’s a long day.

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