Planning for a New Zealand trip

Today I did my 5k run in the morning before it got too hot. I briefly thought about trying another 7.5k, but yesterday was exhausting enough! Even though it was early in the morning, the sun felt like it had a sting in it and I used sunscreen.

I spent the morning doing a new Darths & Droids comic. In the afternoon I planned out a couple more weeks of ethics lesson topics, coming up with preliminary lists of questions for a week on “Hate” and a week on “Driving”. I also made a sourdough loaf for the new work week starting tomorrow, so my wife can take sandwiches from home for lunch.

We’ve also been planning a short trip to New Zealand, in March next year. My wife’s nephew has moved to Auckland. From Oslo! – where he spent a few years after leaving Sydney. So since he’s now relatively close to here, his mother (my wife’s sister) is planning a trip to visit for his birthday next year, and my wife asked if we could go along too. Her sister is going for a week, but we’re just going to take a long weekend, leaving on Friday and flying home on Monday. So today my wife chose some hotels in Auckland and we booked one. We also did flights a few days ago.

So we now have three trips booked for next year: Tokyo in February, for my ISO Photography Standards meeting. Auckland in March. And Berlin in June, which will be for the next ISO Photography meeting, which will be a plenary meeting of the whole technical committee (which happens every two years – the last one was in Okayama, Japan, in 2023).

This is after this year, when we’re not traveling anywhere. We knew we weren’t doing any overseas trips, but we’d considered a driving trip to Adelaide around September/October. However when my wife changed jobs we had to reconsider, as she wouldn’t have enough leave saved up, so we abandoned that idea.

In other news, our new neighbours next door gave us a jar of home made Seville orange marmalade! We’ve been eating it on bread and it’s deliciously tart.

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One thought on “Planning for a New Zealand trip”

  1. Enjoy. I was supposed to visit New Zealand in 2020. For some reason or other, that didn’t end up happening.

    BTW, you were right in the advice you gave me years ago: Oxford was indeed not a great tourist destination. I was there last month.

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