Almost no-games night, and an exhausting Saturday

On Friday I had my usual online teaching classes, and in between took Scully for a walk. The weather was hot, up to 29°C in the city, and reached 31.6°C at the airport, which set a new record for highest temperature ever recorded in the Sydney suburban area during winter. It was nice, but everyone is dreading the summer to come.

We went out to our local pizza place for dinner. They do a Nutella pizza served with vanilla gelato for dessert, which we occasionally get if we’re in the mood and not too full, and we felt like it last night. Really nice.

I logged into our online board games night, not quite in time to join in a game of Codechains, which is a game one friend invented and implemented on our Discord bot. It’s a word association game a bit like Codenames, but different and fully cooperative between all players.

Then we started a game of Distilled, which one player had read the rules for and taught us all how to play. It seemed like a good game, but we got annoyed by the Board Game Arena UI, which forced us to do actions sequentially when we could easily have performed them simultaneously, so it dragged on and after getting about 2/3 of the way through the game in 2 hours or so we decided to quit and play something else.

So, after about two and a half hours of doing stuff with my friends I still hadn’t played a full game of anything! We moved on to Just One (which we completed), then Can’t Stop Express before calling it a night.

This morning I got up a bit earlier than usual. The sun is rising earlier as we head towards the spring equinox, and the warmer weather is definitely making it easier to get out of bed. I did a 7.5k run today, pushing myself beyond the routine 5k. I felt like I took it a bit easy, but managed to record 42:32, my best time for 7.5k.

Then it was a busy day of housework, cleaning chores, and more inventorying of Magic cards. And in the afternoon a longish walk with Scully. The weather today was cooler and very windy, but it’s supposed to get back up close to 30°C again for a few days next week.

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