The home is warming up

It feels like winter is at an end. I wore shorts outside for general walking around (not running) for the first time since before winter. And at home I didn’t need to wear my slippers at all for the first time.

I did a 5k run after breakfast, and then cleaned the bathroom before having a shower. I made some sourdough loaf. My starter is starting to develop an acetone smell, which Googling seems to tell me I need to feed it more often. It otherwise seems healthy, so I don’t think there’s a problem there.

We went on a big walk after lunch with Scully. My wife wanted to go to Cammeray and Maggio’s Italian bakery, but the rain radar indicated we might get wet by the time we walked all the way there and back, so we chose the shorter walk around Waverton and The Grumpy Baker, where she got a croissant to eat. We made it home dry, and in fact the rain band swept north of the city so I don’t think it actually rained all afternoon.

Not much else to mention. I sorted and counted some more Magic cards to inventory them before selling. This is a super time consuming task!

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