Some new language learning

It rained for most of today, though not heavily. I had to take Scully out in it a few times and the bathroom is full of wet umbrellas, shoes, and her doggy raincoat.

The morning I spent making a new Darths & Droids strip. Then after lunch I sorted out some more Magic: the Gathering cards, ready for selling online. I’m up to going through huge stacks of common cards form the expansions and sets I bought back in the 90s, when I was trying to collect full sets of cards. This meant buying a lot to get all the rare cards, resulting in having piles and piles of the common cards. They’re not worth much each, but if you can find someone to buy hundreds of them they add up. Finding those someones requires doing a proper inventory so I can list the cards properly.

Also today I started a new Italian learning regime. Duolingo isn’t really doing much for me any more as I’ve completed its Italian course, and now it only ever gives me the option of “revision” and it seems bugged in that it just repeats the same very small pool of exercises over and over again, rather than sampling its entire set.

I found an Italian learning channel on YouTube a while back and kept meaning to watch more of the videos, but now I’m going to make an effort to watch something in Italian every day. The channel is here: Italy Made Easy. Today I watched this short video about how to wash dishes, narrated in Italian! I like this guy; his videos are amusing and fun.

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