D&D prep time

I’m running Dungeons & Dragons again on Friday evening, and I have some prep work to do. I haven’t written up the adventure log from last session yet! So I started working on that today. It’s important because not all players attend every session – I schedule a date and if someone can’t make it, then they just skip the game that week and pick up next time. So a log is useful for players returning to find out what they missed.

I also did some comics making, and sent some more cards off in the mail to a buyer. I stopped at Moon Phase to try another one of their pastries, this time the wildflower honey croissant, which was pretty nice. And after lunch I walked down to my wife’s work to pick up Scully, who she’d taken to work this morning.

For dinner I made pea and cauliflower soup, which could be kept warm on the stove while I had my three ethics classes in a row. I just had a big bowl to warm up after the classes. I’ve been feeling really cold today. I think the winter chill has returned again.

But there are plenty of flowers out! Magnolias, flowering plums, and cherry blossoms, all the early ones heralding the imminent arrival of spring. The other day I spotted some rainbow lorikeets in (what I think is) a plum tree:

Lorikeet with spring flowers

Lorikeet with spring flowers

These were just taken with my phone. I got to within about 30 cm of the birds with my phone held up at arm’s length.

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