… And wintry weather has arrived

Tuesday, time to write my lesson plan for the new week of ethics classes. This week the topic is “Taking Advantage”. As in people who do things like cut in to queues, or park in disabled spots (when they’re not disabled), or generally otherwise take advantage of other people by bending rules, ignoring social conventions, or generally being insufferable. I said yesterday this week’s topic would be “Mysterious Beasts”, but I was getting ahead of myself – that’s for next week.

The weather turned cold and dismal today. A cold rainy front came in mid morning and cooled things down from a top of 19°C, so that by lunchtime it was just 16°C. There was also intermittent rain all day. The forecast is pretty dismal too: cold and rainy like this for at least the next ten days. We are expecting heavy falls on the weekend, close to 100 mm.

I took Scully for a walk in a brief non-rainy period. And this evening I cooked a recipe that we call “cauliflower bomb”. The recipe is online here, although with a less evocative name. It’s one of the more complex recipes I make, with several steps of preparation, cooking, and lots of pots and dishes and utensils to wash up afterwards. I also roasted the cut off cauliflower leaves, which are delicious when roasted with oil, salt, and garlic until crispy. We had those as an appetiser before the main cauliflower itself. I mentioned this recipe back in 2020 when I discovered it, and that blog post has a photo from then.

I also did some comic stuff today, both Darths & Droids and Irregular Webcomic! I’m cutting really close to publication time on both at the moment, and in fact missed the update time for the latter by an hour or so. Hopefully I’ll catch up this weekend.

New content today:

3 thoughts on “… And wintry weather has arrived”

  1. It’s fun reading about your weather!

    We are just going into summer, or, maybe spring. It’s now nicely warm, about 17°C here, so t-shirt weather already. The Sun is shining and on the May Day eve it’s barbecue time after work. Cold is relative! I just hope the summer won’t get too hot – a maximum of about 25°C is fine with me (but we live in an old apartment which is otherwise nice but modern AC is not really an option).

    A week ago it was about zero degrees, and snowing. We got over 15 cm of snow in a couple of days, and the freezing rain before that froze on the tram electric lines so they got stuck for almost a whole day. Now it’s completely different.

  2. I don’t know if you were consciously thinking of any specific RPGs, but it may interest you to know that “the correct passage onwards is at the bottom of the third pit” from today’s IWC is more or less word-for-word the solution to a puzzle in the sixth GrailQuest solo gamebook, “Realm of Chaos” (published 1986).

    1. Well… then that GrailQuest book probably copied it from Tomb of Horrors (1978)! Which is the adventure I’m following for this comic.

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