Flu shot time

Today my wife and I were booked in for our annual pre-winter flu shots. We also booked a COVID booster, but when we showed up at the pharmacy after my wife got home from work in the evening, they said we weren’t due for a COVID booster yet. I thought we should have them at 6 month intervals, but they said we weren’t supposed to have them until 12 months after the last one. I guess they changed the recommendations about it recently.

Anyway, we had our flu shots. So far we’re both fine, no negative effects at all, apart from the slight dull pain in the arm.

This morning I wrote a lesson plan for this week’s new critical thinking and ethics topic, on “Dreams”. I think this should be an interesting and fun one. First classes are tomorrow evening. Some sample questions:

  • Do you think dreams are a part of everyday reality, or visions of something else?
  • Why would some people think dreams can predict the future?
  • Have you ever had a dream that inspired a story, artwork, or an idea to solve a problem?
  • Could dreams be part of our creative processes?
  • If you do something bad in a dream does that mean you could be a bad person?
  • Could you be dreaming right now? Why or why not?

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One thought on “Flu shot time”

  1. Only people with certain conditions (such as immunosuppression) are suggested to get boosters every 6 months in the States. We use a different mix of vaccines, of course. I don’t know how the AstraZeneca one works.

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