Polarising post office

There are two post offices within walking distance of my place. The closer one is at Greenwich. Its Google reviews are…. highly polarised. They alternate between 5 stars “Excellent service, lovely ladies working here” and 1 star “Rudest service I’ve ever experienced”. Just go look for yourself.

Personally, both my wife and myself have found the service there to be, yes, very rude and unhelpful. We both avoid going there unless we absolutely have to. Instead we walk the extra distance to Crows Nest Post Office, which has much nicer staff. (Although looking at Google reviews for that, it’s also listed as pretty bad!)

Anyway, I mention this because I had occasion to visit both post offices today. Well, I had occasion to visit at least one. I was walking past Greenwich PO with Scully and though I should pop in and grab a prepaid parcel satchel for sending a parcel of Magic: the Gathering cards to the USA. On form, the woman inside told me to fill out an online customs form first and she couldn’t give me a prepaid satchel until I did that. I haven’t sent a parcel overseas for a while and mentioned that the procedure seemed to have changed, and then she went off at me and said it changed two years ago, like I’m some sort of fool for being so behind the times.

Later in the day I had my cards packaged and ready to send… and I decided not to walk the short distance back to Greenwich, but rather the longer one to Crows Nest PO to actually mail my parcel.

In between, for lunch I drove with Scully out to Allambie Heights to get pies at the pie shop there. And to fill the car with petrol at one of the stations along the way, which usually has significantly cheaper fuel than the ones around where I live.

Looks like another hot week, weather-wise. Summer is hanging on with its claws, refusing to give in to autumn.

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