Last day of work for the year

Today I had four ethics classes, finishing off the “Rebuilding Civilisation” topic for the week, and my classes for the year. I’m taking two weeks off over Christmas and New Year, starting up again in January. It’s been a very interesting topic to discuss with the kids. One of the ethical questions I ask them: In a disaster situation, where your own life is in danger, do you have a responsibility to help other people survive, or look after your own survival first? Almost all of them have been pretty clear that in this situation it’s sensible and reasonable to ensure your own survival, not necessarily help other people. Some of them quoted the airline safety briefing, that when oxygen masks drop from the ceiling of the cabin, you should put your own mask on first before helping anyone else.

This evening, my wife and I agreed to do something very unusual, and go out for dinner on a Monday night. We normally only ever go out on Fridays (usually) or Saturdays if we have skipped the Friday. Well, we skipped Friday because of my D&D night, and then I just cooked something at home on Saturday. We both kind of felt like something special, so we walked up the street to the local shops and sat in the warm evening air outdoors with Scully at a bar. They do bar snacks type food, and we had arancini, haloumi sliders, and soft tacos with two different fillings: hoisin duck and pulled pork. To wash it down we had some nice cold cider. A bit decadent, but very delicious!

Tacos and sliders

Oh, and the other day I took a Christmas portrait of Scully, after her grooming appointment.

Scully's Christmas portrait

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One thought on “Last day of work for the year”

  1. The oxygen mask thing (I’m sure you know this, but I’m compulsive) is actually based on the idea that you can pass out fairly quickly in rapid decompression, but take much longer to actually die. If you pass out while helping someone else, you both end up unconscious. If you put on your own mask, you can then put one on your neighbor, even if he’s out cold, and you’re both fine.

    In fact, you’re both fine any case, because the pilots will have the plane back in breathable atmosphere in minutes, before anyone suffers permanent damage, but passing out is unpleasant.

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