Still a bunch of travel prep

I meant to have more travel prep done today, but I was so busy with other stuff that I basically haven’t done anything. Well except make sure my comics are buffered for the absence. I got the luggage out of storage , but haven’t got anything ready for packing yet. I’ll have to do all of that tomorrow.

For some reason it always feels like this last minute rush whenever I travel somewhere. I feel like next time I’ll be ready and packed a full day before I leave, but it never seems to happen.

My last ethics classes were today – four classes before a three week break. They restart on Sunday 26 November, which gives me a few days to recover and relax after getting back home from Italy.

Also, since by this time tomorrow I’ll be in the air, I’ll try to post some daily diary updates of what I’ve been doing, but I won’t be posting comic content links each day while I’m overseas. See you back in Australia on 20 November!

New content today:

One thought on “Still a bunch of travel prep”

  1. I have a trip planned for later this month. I actually took the two days before the trip as vacation–I don’t want to rush around at the last minute.

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