Pre-travel scramble

I missed my update yesterday because I had my evening teaching class at the university – the last class for image processing this semester. The students are on the final stretch of their assessment tasks and will be submitting their reports and videos on Friday. Normally I’d then have to mark a bunch of them, but this time I’m flying out to Europe on Saturday, so the marking will be done by all the other tutors. When I got home from the class I was too tired to type up a blog post, so I’m catching up tonight.

My day yesterday was mostly working on writing and making new Darths & Droids strips to fill the buffer while Im overseas. I still have to do at least one more strip, and that will be a task for tomorrow. Today I worked on this week’s ethics class lesson plans: Shrinking and Enlarging for the younger kids, and Revolutions for the older ones.

This morning I walked with my wife and Scully down to her work, where we sat at a cafe and had a special morning snack together. This was our wedding anniversary special event, because that’s today! But we didn’t have time for anything else. I considered surprising my wife with a picnic lunch, but I told her and she said it was good that I didn’t as she had a work meeting at lunch time today. And we couldn’t do anything special for dinner tonight because of my ethics classes. So we had to take the opportunity for something in the morning. I had an almond croissant which is one of my favourite types of pastry.

And, well, there’s not really much more to say. It’s all just a bit of a rush to get through things prior to leaving on our trip on Saturday.

New content yesterday:

New content today:

One thought on “Pre-travel scramble”

  1. If I was teaching an Ethics class, I might be tempted to do “Us and Them” about tribalism and how arbitrary it is.

    Have a great time.

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