COVID completely better

In good news, it appears that the lingering COVID cough I’ve had the past few weeks has completely gone. I was still coughing a little a couple of days ago, but today I’m completely free. So that’s great!

Good timing too, as I had 4 ethics classes today, starting at 9am, and then three in a row in the afternoon. In between I picked up the groceries from the supermarket, and took Scully for a couple of walks. The weather was very unsettled again today, with intermittent sunshine and heavy rain showers. I managed to avoid getting caught in any rain though, unlike yesterday.

In other weather news, Cyclone Ilsa made landfall last night in Western Australia, and preliminary measurements are suggesting it set a new sustained wind speed record for Australia. So it’s possibly the strongest tropical storm to hit Australia in recorded history. Fortunately the region it hit was very sparsely populated and there are no reports of deaths yet. The Bureau of Meteorology is saying the remnants will likely combine with a cold front and bring heavy rain to south-eastern Australia, where I live. We’ll see in the next few days.

In other random news, today I learnt that the word “polecat” is not a synonym for “skunk”. Apparently it’s a completely different animal. I don’t know where I got the idea form that a polecat is the same thing as a skunk, but I’d been convinced of that fact for decades.

Tonight is online board games night with my friends. I’m playing games right now as I type, doing this in the down time between turns. We’ve played some Jump Drive, Ticket to Ride, and are now doing Just One.

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One thought on “COVID completely better”

  1. As a native US westerner, I had always been told that polecat was another name for skunk my whole life, so you are not alone. Being an arrogant American, I think I shall continue to hold that opinion. After all, if I am wrong, at least some one else can maybe feel better about it.

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