This morning I went for a 2.5k run, while it was still cool and cloudy, before the sun burnt off the morning cloud cover. Then I had to make a new Darths & Droids comic – I’m working a bit close to the bone at the moment because of lack of time to build up any buffer, alas.
Then I had to work on writing my lesson plan for the older kids’ ethics topic this week, which is on Activism. I could have chosen many historical examples, but I chose to structure it around the campaign for women’s suffrage in the UK, as it included good examples of both peaceful and violent protests. I didn’t quite finish the lesson as I had other more urgent things. I need to get it done by 9am tomorrow, and if I don’t I’ll just have to wing the second half. I have plenty of questions, but need to come up with introductory passages for each question.
Oh, Scully had a haircut today! And is wearing her St Patrick’s Day bandana, ready for Friday.
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