Back to Data Engineering

I was back at the university today for the 4th lecture in the Data Engineering course I’m tutoring for. I missed last week due to my wife’s illness, but today it was back to it. First I had three ethics classes. Last week I had these at 10:00, 11:00, and 13:00, but today they were all an hour earlier. This is due to the fact that it’s mostly American kids enrolled in these early classes – as it’s afternoon/evening over there – and the USA went onto daylight saving on Sunday. So to keep the time the same for the kids, I had to shift all the classes an hour earlier. I have the same thing with other classes on Thursday and Friday morning. But all the evening classes don’t move, as no American kids are in those (they’re fast asleep).

After my last class at 12:00, I had time to have a shower and then walk Scully up to my wife’s work to drop her off there, before hopping onto a train. I intended to buy some pies for a slightly late lunch on the walk, but there’s some construction work taking place on the route, and they’d blocked off the pedestrian path that I normally take and I had to take a long detour around a large block, which took me well away from the pie shop. So I just continued walking and then grabbed some lunch after dropping Scully off. I got some Thai yellow curry from a place by the station and ate it on the train on the way into the city.

(Yes, you can eat food on the trains here in Sydney. It’s allowed and moderately common to see people sitting on a train and eating a snack or a take-away meal. It took me many years to realise this is not actually common in most cities around the world. It still seems odd to me to go onto a train in another city/country and see signs indicating that eating is prohibited.)

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2 thoughts on “Back to Data Engineering”

  1. Does the smell not bother people? In the part of Germany I’m from, I don’t know if eating in trains is officially prohibited, but anyway nobody will bat an eye if you eat some pastry or anything else which does not smell, and I used to have that as breakfast there with some coffee quite regularly. But eating foods with strong smells would be frowned upon, like listening to music without headphones or talking loudly on the phone.

    1. I guess it might bother some people, but not enough that it’s been prohibited.

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