Hot and not cool

As forecast, the temperature was 38°C today, making it Sydney’s hottest day since 26 January 2021. The really bad part is we’re in the middle of a four day gap between our air conditioner breaking and the new one being installed. So we had no relief inside at all. I just kept the windows and blinds closed all day to try to keep the heat out, but the thermometer inside still got up to 27°C.

It’s now after 9pm and I’ve just opened the windows to try to cool things down, but it’s not clear if it’s still warmer outside. And I think there’s zero breeze.

My wife is sick too, with some sort of stomach bug. I called in to the university and told them I couldn’t come in to tutor the Data Engineering course today, having to stay home to look after her.

I did my last three classes on the ethics of being offended, then I tried to take advantage of being home in the afternoon to start work on this weeks new topic: Movies. But with the heat and making sure my wife was okay, I only got about half of it done.

It’s going to be a long and hot night. The hourly temperature isn’t forecast to drop below 27°C until after 2am.

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One thought on “Hot and not cool”

  1. Electric fans are cheap and useful. For instance, you could use one the next time water leaks behind your bookcase, to help the area dry faster.

    Note: no, I’m not wishing for you to have another leak.

    You’ll survive this.

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