Planning population growth

I slept in today, after getting up early yesterday after a slightly restless night. I did a 2.5k run as early as I could manage, which was after 9am. It was still cool enough, but sunny and warming up rapidly to another warm day.

I spent most of my time today writing a new ethics lesson plan for the older kids, on the topic of population growth. This required a bit of research, and grabbing some graphs to show to the kids. I learnt that in the year 10,000 BCE, the human population of the world is estimated to be around 4 million people, which is fewer than live in Sydney, which is only about the 100th most populated city on the planet.

I didn’t really do much else today… Cooked an Indian style curry with eggplant and paneer for dinner. Um. Yeah…

New content today:

3 thoughts on “Planning population growth”

  1. For the older kids, do you plan (a follow-up?) to talk about the demographic crisis developed nations face, to varying degrees, with Japan being the most endangered? Where the number of too-old-to-work people will be nearly the same as the number of workers, and then population will plummet (barring immigration)?

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