Korma Chameleon

Last grocery shop I bought some paneer, intending to use it in a curry some time this week. Today I decided I’d try my hand at making korma. I looked up a few recipes and got the gist of the ingredients. I had almost everything I needed in the kitchen, except for ground almonds, and the recipe I decided to follow also used fresh mint leaves. So during my afternoon walk with Scully I popped into the small nearby supermarket to get some of each.

I used plain yoghurt instead of buying Greek yoghurt, and that gave the resulting korma a bit of a tang, but it was fine and delicious. I also added some finely chopped broccoli to give it some more green content.

Most of today I spent assembling and then writing annotations for the remainder of that last batch of Irregular Webcomic! strips that I photographed a week ago. That means I’m now buffered up to the middle of January, which is good! I’ll try to make another batch before the end of the year, and I’ll have a nice safety buffer heading into the new year.

The other main thing that happened today is that I finally heard back from Lufthansa about our claim for compensation for the 24-hour delay we had in Singapore back in June. They have agreed to pay us the 1200€ EU-stipulated compensation for travel delay and reimburse most (though not all) of the additional expenses we incurred because of the delay. The email they sent says they have already processed the deposit into our bank account, and we should see the money in a few days. It’s not 100% of what we asked for, but it’s close enough, and I’m happy enough not to bother trying to squeeze out the few extra euro.

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