I spent most of Sunday working on Irregular Webcomic! strips. In the morning I finished writing the new batch, and then after lunch I spent the afternoon photographing them all.
In between I went for a long walk with my wife and Scully. Normally we do a big walk on Sunday mornings, but she went for a morning tea with her mother and brother today, so we did the walk after lunch.
I picked some different music to listen to while working today. Normally I go for something in the rock genre, or perhaps movie soundtracks if I want something without lyrics to be less distracting. But today I went for Beethoven – the 6th and 9th symphonies. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to these, but I just felt like it today.
New content today:
There’s something wrong with the Irregular Webcomic URL – the page doesn’t exist. The main page of that comic displays the correct comic.
Yeah, I thought it was Monday so posted that URL, but it’s actually Sunday so it’s another rerun. I’ve changed the link.