Day in the city

My wife and I took a trip into the city today. Normally we’d go by train, but dogs aren’t allowed on trains. But they are allowed on ferries! So we went down to the nearest ferry wharf to our place and caught a ferry across the harbour into the city.

Scully on the ferry

It was a very nice trip. In all the years I’ve lived here, I don’t recall ever taking the ferry into the city before.

Circular Quay panorama

The goal of this trip was to buy a new hat for my wife, in preparation for the summer. While in the women’s department of the department store, I happened to mention that menswear had moved from the adjacent building where it used to be located, to an upstairs floor of the current building. My wife took this as an invitation to go up there and start looking for a new lightweight jacket for me! So we ended up browsing the whole floor and getting me a new jacket.

Afterwards, we went to Hyde Park briefly so Scully could have a play on the grass.

Scully at Hyde Park

We stopped off in The Rocks for lunch at a patisserie before catching the ferry back home. It was a good day out! The city was sparsely populated, because of COVID. It was weird being there with no tourists around at all the usual spots. But nice in way, without the usual crowds.

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2 thoughts on “Day in the city”

  1. I have once been in Toronto – just when the SARS epidemic was on. We were there as tourists, for a friend’s wedding, and did a lot of that touristy stuff. Even though I don’t live there, it was strange being one of the few tourists. No lines everywhere, everybody was happy to see us and so on. Of course we did calculate the risks and SARS wasn’t that bad, so this would be quite unthinkable to do now.

    I hope to visit also Sydney again some year. It was nice the last time we were there.

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