Sunday morning walk time with my wife and Scully… we did what has become our routine walk around a loop that leads past a bakery and then down by the water where Scully chases a tennis ball on the grass. I’ve lost a few tennis balls over the years, accidentally throwing them into drains and stuff. Today I lost Scully’s ball by accidentally rolling it down a hill, onto the wharf, and through a tiny gap in the wooden barrier… plop! Into the harbour! So after that Scully was expecting me to throw the ball some more, but I couldn’t.
My wife suggested we always carry a spare ball. But that just means that inevitably one day I’ll lose two balls in one outing.
I wrote some more Darths & Droids stuff today – both background plotting info, and a new comic.
Oh, and I did a quick sketch response to the latest xkcd comic (2307):
New content today: