Today was a serious housecleaning day. I started work on cleaning the windows, flyscreens, and blinds around 10 am (after doing a quick dash up to the shops for some groceries in the morning). Normally I remove the sliding window panes, wash them on both sides, the remove the flyscreens and give them a brush with a dustpan brush, then clean the fixed panes inside and out, and then put it all back. I do this job maybe a couple of times a year.
Today I decided to wash the flyscreens rather than just brush them off. This meant I had to keep them out for longer, which delayed putting back the sliding window panes as the screens need to go back in first. And so in between I took down all the vertical blinds and washed those, soaking them in bleach, and then rinsing them off and hanging them out to dry. Oh, and as well as washing the glass balcony windows and sliding glass door, I removed the sliding flyscreen door and washed that too.
I took a break for lunch, and another to take Scully to the dog park around 4 pm, and then another break to cook and eat dinner. The cleaning job wasn’t finished until the blinds got reinstalled after dinner, around 7:30 pm.
So that was my day… How was yours?
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