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People met here today!
(What happened Friday:) Got up, breakfasted. Met Mouse (friend of Colleen). Waited here while they did grocery shopping. Ate sandwiches for lunch. Went via Katy's school to pick her up and then to the Red Lion Inn for BayCon!
The registration people let me use Rowan's stuff. [This was one of the reason's I'd met Rowan earlier in the trip. She had registered for BayCon, but could no longer attend, so she gave me her registration.] Wandered around with and without Katy, looked at the art show, dealer's room, and some other stuff. Met Stephanie and Sally. Much chaos and madness.
Came here again for tuna salad and key lime cheesecake for dinner, then back to the Con. Sat in on the start of filking, then located Stephanie by hanging out with Sally and Eoin and a couple of others in a lift foyer. Sally hugs well. Went to Stephanie's room (652) and met room-mate Lynette. Played cards with them and Michelle, Bruce, Chris, and Ernie until about 12:20, when Steve and Colleen took me back here.
Snooze time...
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